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Northbank Biotechnology Consulting

Business Development & Licensing | Research Collaborations | Technology Platform Licensing | Antibody Therapeutics | Biotherapeutics | Business Networking & Lead Generation | Contract Negotiation | Strategy

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Northbank Biotechnology Consulting Capabilities

Northbank Biotechnology Consulting is a specialist consultancy created to support biotech companies to assess business development opportunities & develop effective strategies, identify prospective partners and negotiate appropriate agreements to a rapid conclusion. Northbank Biotech is flexible in how this support is provided from arms-length business development & licensing strategies through to day-to-day involvement in plan execution.



  • Head of Business Development and member of Senior Management Team at a turnaround antibody discovery company

  • Founder-Director of a listed UK biotech

  • 10 years experience in biotech management and business development & licensing

  • 10 years experience in drug discovery research and project management

  • MBA (Cambridge). PhD (Bath). Sainbury Management Fellow.


Business Development Strategy & Planning

In an era of numerous new therapeutic modalities and assets in development, it can be challenging to cut through and get your message out to prospective partners.

Northbank Biotech will use its substantial business-operational expertise to generate a detailed yet pragmatic plan to mobilise the value of your technology-asset in a timely way, and in line with your overall strategy.


Business Development & Licensing Plan Execution

Having experienced the hard-yards of successfully taking innovative drug discovery technologies and therapeutic assets out to prospective partners, Northbank Biotech is very-well placed to use its significant existing network to help you achieve your goals.


Northbank will act as your business development representative at conferences, at biopartnering meetings and during termsheet and contract negotiations with the goal of finding the partner and deal that meets your objectives.


Market Opportunity Assessment

Assessing the market opportunity for a technology platform or therapeutic asset is crucial but famously challenging 


Northbank Biotech can offer a combination of intellectual rigour and realworld experience to understand your proposition, how it fits with today’s unmet needs, and which partners are likely to find the opportunity appealing 

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Cambridge, UK

+44 (0) 7707 076432

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